Nunc dimittis – EMO Ensemble at concert (cond. Kristina Bogataj)

November 05, 2021
Paavalinkirkko, Helsinki, Finland

EMO Ensemble presents a choral a capella program for the All Saints’ Day – letting go of the past to be able to cherish the peace of the present.

The selection includes northern classics (Rautavaara, Pärt, Kõrvits, Nystedt, Jennefelt), combined with several Finnish premières of contemporary Slovenian composers (Bec, Makor, Vulc).

The dramaturgical arch sets off with a 10-minute meditation in an invented language, continuing with praising the mystery of the Holy Cross and pleading for deliverance and mercy. In Kõrvits’s rarely performed Stabat mater, the praying entity (be it an individual or a community) gathers all the sadness caused by witnessing the suffering and inability to cease it.

From emotion and through thought, Sine sole nihil sum (Without sun I am nothing, text from sundials) praises the cyclical nature of existence – be it from a biological or emotional aspect.

With Die Erste Elegie, we recognize the mystery of existence and give the space for its definition, not limited solely to Christian dogmas.

Nunc Dimittis might be one of the ultimate goals for human life – one is at peace with the past and ready to depart to the future – wherever and whenever that may be.

Welcome to join EMO Ensemble in the journey towards peace in the present.

Kristina Bogataj, director